Build Your Legacy Through God-Centered Productivity

Welcome to Dr. Mohannad Hakeem’s blog. This will be your starting point to Live, Love, Learn, and Leave a Legacy:

  • LIVE a life of purpose and intentionality, and break free from the obstacles that are blocking you from achieving the best version of yourself.
  • LOVE the ones who matter to you deeply, by nurturing meaningful relationships and building strong connections
  • LEARN continuously, and expand your capacity and leverage in every season of life
  • LEAVE A LEGACY through service, creating impact, and driving positive change in this world.

I’m Dr. MohaNNad Hakeem, a Productivity Coach, Trainer, and Author with an unapologetic God-Centered approach towards Nafs (Self) Development

My mission is to help high-achieving Muslims unlock their potential and 10X their legacy by aligning their holistic productivity with the formulas that are deeply rooted in the Quran and Sunnah.

For an official bio, feel free to scroll below:

My personal and professional qualifications have been anchored in three values: SERVICE, EXCELLENCE, and EMPATHY:


From a young age, I was taught Islam the way that merges knowledge with action, and combines beneficial knowledge with impactful service to Allah’s creation. 

I have served in Muslim boy scouts since my early childhood. Been to countless events that involved serving the needy, caring for the orphans, and teaching the youth. 

I was the president of the Muslim Student Club (known as the Makassed Alumni Club) at the American University of Beirut for 3 years  

I was a content creator for world-acclaimed Islamic programming at Iqraa Satellite Channel 

I have memorized the book of Allah and shared its powerful messages through tafsir (interpretation) and tadabbor (reflection) for decades 

My passion for the Quran was shared at reputable platforms in the online Muslim space, such as Almaghrib Institute, Quran Reflect community, and About Islam

I have compiled the 40 Hadith on Community Service and Activism,
which is meant to be a handbook for Muslims on a mission to drive
positive change in the 21st century and beyond, inshaAllah

I joined The Productive Muslim Company as a certified partner and trainer,
to join their mission in spreading the Barakah Culture through teaching
their acclaimed Productive Muslim Masterclass.   

I founded the Community of Givers, an online community of caretakers who seek to purify their souls through intentional giving 

I am currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Islamic Sharia,
aiming to solidify my accumulated knowledge and experience
with academic foundations at the reputable Beirut Islamic College

In addition, I am teaching Islamic studies at the Al-Hayat International School,
an International Baccalaureate (IB) School in Lebanon with commitment
to raise strong faithful caretakers of God’s earth.


The question of success in the afterlife was never about seeking some form of “balance”  between the material and the spiritual, 

It was never an “OR” game:

 Dunia (Worldly life) OR Akhera (hereafter) Goals,

 Memorize the Quran OR Study for your exams.

It has always been a matter of AND: Dunia AND Akhera, 

Material Success that enhances spiritual fulfillment, 

And beneficial knowledge that drives more worldly achievements and goals.

Through this formula, and with the help of Allah alone, I was able to achieve: 

A PhD in Mechanical Engineering 

12 years of experience in the automotive industry (worked at both Chrysler and Ford Motor Company)

Authored 80+ Technical Papers and Patents 

Co-founded Alchemy Tech AI, a Consulting company that delivers customized Software and AI solutions to clients in multiple industries.

Built a thriving online coaching business, Hekmah Coaching, that serves clients and students from all over the world, and helps plant the seeds of their legacy through the Barakah framework. 

Coached 20+ clients to help them navigate challenging situations in their lives, and upgrade their mindset, routines, and systems towards achieving the best version of themselves.  


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